dimanche 27 janvier 2013

Actualisation de Janvier 2013

:: : : :: Actualisation du 27 Janvier 2013 ::: : :

Visitez donc les rubriques suivantes :

         Rubrique DIY : toutes les créations inspirées par
le thème des menstruations ! Costumes, broderies ...

     Rubrique Giclée d'Images : des dessins, des gribouillis,
des photos ...

     Rubrique LEXIQUE : toutes les expressions pour évoquer
le sujet en catimini ...

     et une nouvelle page de Liens 
époustouflants !

L'équipe du Sang des Femmes vous souhaite
une belle année 2013 ! 

1 commentaire:

  1. Hi!

    What a wonderfully interesting blog! My name is Josefin Persdotter and I am a currently writing my Master's thesis at Gothenburg University in Sweden. It is about people like you; who work with unconventional/alternative ways managing and perceiving menstruation. I am trying to map and better understand the nature of the movement. As you might know there has been some research of the movement in the North America. But very little is known about the movement at the European continent, as far as I know.

    I would love to include your work as a part of the study. If you would allow me I would like to study your online work and perhaps also carry out an interview with you. It can be done over the phone or in real life depending on what suits you best and should take about 45 minutes to an hour. We could also do it through e-mails even. And then we could maybe even do it in French if you prefer.

    I should point out that you can be completely anonymous, if you so prefer.

    If you would be willing and interested, please send me an email at j.persdotter@gmail.com and I can tell you more.

    I look forward to hearing from you. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Warm regards, and sincere thanks for a great blog,
    Josefin Persdotter
